“Sustainable Martha’s Vineyard” is an independent documentary series and outreach campaign. Although the focus is on Martha’s Vineyard, the island’s distinct geography gives a defined boundary to a community’s efforts that has a universal appeal to a broad audience beyond our shores.
Topics that we are currently developing episodes around are agriculture, conservation & biodiversity, endangered species, mentoring & stewardship, Right Whales of Martha’s Vineyard, indigenous knowledge and culture, waste & litter, and water. The episodes vary in length depending on the complexity of the topic covered in each episode.
Our past episodes have highlighted the efforts of some of the leading island environmentalists and their associated organizations including Island Grown Initiative, BiodiversityWorks, Polly Hill Arboretum, MV Habitat Patch, Island Grown Schools, West Tisbury Public Library, Martha’s Vineyard Fishermen Association, Edgartown School Garden Program and the Wampanoag Tribe of Aquinnah/Gay Head.
Sustainable Martha’s Vineyard is 501(c)3 tax deductible through our fiscal sponsorship with the Center for Independent Documentary.